Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Operating Procedure Essay

Presentation Accommodation the executives is having the option to deal with the connection among visitors and hosts. Likewise this is a demonstration or practice of hospitability.It incorporates the gathering and amusement of visitors, guests, or strangers,resorts, enrollment clubs, shows, attractions, extraordinary occasions, and different administrations for voyagers and sightseers. The Hotel and Restaurant Management Industry must have Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to direct them in their everyday business activity. A SOP is an archive which depicts the consistently repeating activities pertinent to the nature of the examination. The motivation behind a SOP is to do the tasks methodology accurately and to do exchanges activities over and again in a similar way consistently. In addition, a SOP manual ought to be accessible at the working environment consistently. This fills in as a mandatory guidance and manual for each client. Deviations from this directions ought not be permitted and the conditions for these ought to be recorded including who can give consent for this and what precisely the total methodology will be. The first duplicate of the manual should rest at a protected spot while working duplicates ought to be verified with stamps and with marks of approved people spoke to by the organization. These SOPs are point by point clarifications of how an arrangement is to be actualized in the organization. The fundamental contrast between a SOP and an approach are subtleties. A successful SOP imparts who will play out the errand, what materials are fundamental, where the assignment will occur, when the undertaking will be performed,and how the individual will execute the errand. Beside the various kinds of Standard Operating Procedures the manual provides,It ought to likewise give guidelines for security safety measures in utilizing gear, research facility instruments, machines and so forth. In addition, for wellbeing and insurance of the clients (representatives), SOP might be characterized further to: 1.) Fundamental SOPs †these give directions how to make SOPs of different classifications. 2.) Methodic SOPs †these depict a total testing framework or technique for investigation.(this incorporate SOP for security precautionary measure †standardâ procedures for working instruments, mechanical assembly and other hardware; and SOP for explanatory strategies †readiness of reagents, accepting and enlistment of tests, for quality confirmation and for achievingand how to manage grievances). Wellbeing and prudent steps are indispensable partsin the establishment of building and including the food business with regards to food getting ready, food preparing and food handling. Additionally, it should give wellbeing and security in the administration of individuals. It ought to distinguish dangerous exercises, forestalling it by methods for doing everything that is required. Our proposition study centers around the standard working methodology in the kitchen research facilities at Adamson University. These will enable the college to additionally improve its system for wellbeing and security prudent steps for the understudy clients of the kitchen research center. Foundation The field of work and investigation of the calling of people the executives in lodgings, eateries, and different organizations are in the neighborliness and the travel industry is known as friendliness the executives. Our proposal will examine and involve the field of clinic industry the board of the standard working methodology for wellbeing and prudent steps. Neighborliness the executives business has its own assorted variety, for example, when individuals go out to go in better places, register to lodgings, hang out and eat at various cafés, watch film long distance race at any film place, and unwind at bars or music bars of differentplaces. Friendliness the board manages the organization and oversight of the works and activities to know the various needs and changes in making and composing the SOPs in the diverse business puts that require client assistance and accommodation management.Furthermore, it needs a human force identifying with the physical limit of individual to deal with such administration. In our examination, it won't just showcasethe security and prudent steps of kitchen research center perils yet in addition point the upgrade of the living limit of each included individual straightforwardly associated in the handling and activity of the lab kitchen of Adamson University. A few models introduced of the unsafe exercises are mishaps in the kitchen and in the utilization ofâ kitchen hardware like cut from blades or slicer. It incorporates likewise nature where it occurred, it influences the completing of mediation like slip and falls on wet floor coming about to wounds or wounds. The proportions of the security and safety measure of understudies and educators while in the kitchen lab ought to be seen consistently. Wellbeing is a methods for shirking or avoidance identified with the commitment in mishap or undesirable situation. Security must be educated as a way and part of the lives in the way of life of business. Calculated FRAMEWORK This theoretical structure centers around the evaluation of the standard working methodology in the kitchen research center of Adamson University Hospitality Management Departmentas saw by Hospitality Management Students and Faculty individuals from Adamson University. The segment profile of the respondents and the perception of hardware, instruments, legitimate booking, getting and returning of apparatuses, appropriate capacity of devices and gear in stockrooms are the needy factors. Utilizing each survey, the specialists had the option to decide if the standard working systems inside the kitchen research centers of Adamson University had a major effect as far as the wellbeing of their understudies and educators. Applied PARADIGM Figure 1. Title? The figure shows the applied worldview of this investigation dependent on the Input, Process and Output (I-P-O) system. The Description in the contribution of the SOP introduced the appraisal of the Kitchen Laboratory of Adamson University Hospitality Management Department. As far as profile of the respondents, components to be considered in SOP are kitchen manual legitimate execution, gear use, accepting and returning exercises, and appropriate stockpiling. The procedure and strategy, then again, included the conveyance of poll, completing reviews, and performing perceptions. In the last yield, kitchen manual will be introduced and proposed dependent on the poll, overview and perception results.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Pride Definition Essay free essay sample

The pride that I have towards a gathering at chapel or an extracurricular club at school can have a wide range of Interpretations to others other than what I might suspect pride Is In my own translation. It could even be the active and peppy pride you apply inside those gatherings or clubs. Each Friday late evening during football season in the fall you can see the exclaimer of pride being shown by the Spirit Club inside the huge understudy segment coordinated towards the football crew, the band, just as the whole Incentive people group to get them all siphoned up for the game.The instruction of pride that the Spirit Club shows each Friday truly draws out the sort of individuals It takes to have so much pride and confidence to root for the football crew each week all through the fall. The Spirit Club is most regularly known for the week by week Friday night custom of senseless string gone haywire during the second from last quarter while the Incentive High School drum line plays just as the serenades for specific players when they accomplish something exceptional. We will compose a custom exposition test on Pride Definition Essay or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Pride rises to commitment. Commitment rises to loyalty. Being engaged with such a little youth bunch at SST. Palls Lutheran Church n Incentive, truly tests my devotion on a week by week basis.I still show my pride In being engaged with such a little youth church bunch whether I am the main individual there multi week or whether there are eight individuals the next week. In our exceptionally little youth bunch we take an interest in numerous network administration occasions to offer back to those in the network and we likewise have holding exercises, for example, lock-ins to carry us closer to god and the congregation. The only thing that is in any way important is that we come to demonstrate our pride to the congregation and God. Demonstrating pride towards a gathering or club Is one approach to characterize pride, however you a likewise characterize pride as the pride somebody provides for Its own nation. Another way pride could be characterized as would be the pride somebody shows to Its own nation. This meaning of pride shows is extremely consistent with all the people that serve in our military since they are battling for their own nation. For example, my father has been in the Air Force for 22+ years and has been engaged with war endeavors throughout the previous 11 years demonstrating his pride that has for the US battling for our opportunity. My dad and an innumerable number of other people hazard their lives partner by doing what they would need to and what they love most, and that would be battling for the opportunity of others.Think of the considerable number of individuals taking a chance with their lives to give individuals that they won't meet up close and personal a free nation. Demonstrating pride towards ones nation is something I find significant. There are a wide range of approaches to show pride inside your nation. Commending the Fourth of July yearly is one way that we Americans demonstrate our pride to our nation realizing that on this day several years prior we marked The Declaration of Independence announcing the US or America on the Fourth of July by shooting firecrackers, flame broiling wieners and burgers, and some of the time in any event, partaking in a nearby energetic parade.The pride of ones nation ought to be essential to everybody regardless of where they live. Indicating pride towards ones nation is one approach to characterize pride, however you can likewise characterize pride as the pride somebody has inside themselves. Another way you could characterize pride would be simply the pride that somebody has inside themselves. The manner in which somebody takes a gander at pride inside themselves can fluctuate to which everybody concurs about. You could have pride towards the physical part of your body. Possibly your physical make-up is fit as a fiddle, so that is something you inve st wholeheartedly in so as to keep your body the manner in which it is. The pride you have inside yourself could likewise have some psychological attributes to come also. The psychological parts of pride could be the means by which somebody needs every other person to take a gander at them. For example, when strolling through the corridors at school there are numerous individuals that are judge mental towards others dependent on the vibes of one and other. They dont really take the risk and exertion to truly go meet this individual and talk with them to truly e what kind of individual they truly are and how much pride they have for others.People Jump to ends to rapidly and regularly dont see what pride other may have. Taking everything into account, there are a wide range of ways that you can characterize the pride. Pride can be the loyalty towards a specific gathering or club, the pride one gives towards its own nation, or even the pride that somebody has inside themselves could be another approach to take a gander at the meaning of pride. Pride is an inclination of joy and fulfillment that you get when you experience something extraordinary.

Friday, August 21, 2020

What Factors Influence Gang Behavior Research Paper

What Factors Influence Gang Behavior - Research Paper Example So as to have the option to take care of this issue, it is critical to consider the reasons or the underlying drivers of pack conduct with the aim of attempting to forestall new posse participation, while simultaneously setting out determined to destroy the previously existing ones. This paper is a basic assessment of the elements that impact group conduct. Variables that Influence.Human creatures are brought into the world blameless, liberated from sins and unequipped for settling on any choice. Be that as it may, as they keep on developing, they are confronted with various provokes seething from family issues to other natural components, which impact their blameless personalities either into turning out to be capable people or the most noticeably terrible of lawbreakers in the general public. Regardless, guardians contribute a critical rate towards the achievement or disappointment of a kid as far as conduct. This is because of the way that they go about as prompt good examples and a wellspring of motivation for their developing youngsters. It is consequently that Carlie (2002) sees that poor parentage is a significant contributing component to posse conduct. For instance, in the event that one or the two guardians are group individuals, as a general rule, it turns out to be likely that their youngsters will follow that course. This might be more terrible in families that are useless and which are described by various instances of local clashes and kid misuse. The basis of this attestation is that if a youngster is exposed to these variables, he will grow up accepting that savagery is a goodness and except if this mindset is changed through legitimate direction and guiding, at that point, the kid would have neither an explanation nor the guts to abstain from joining fierce associations. Outside family hovers, growing up kids and young people are affected by peer strain to take part in reserved conduct, which may incorporate posse enrollment. Friend pressure a lludes to the ground-breaking impact that a gathering of individuals in a similar age bunch have on one another. In this specific situation, it has been noticed that individuals will in general gain the practices of different individuals from their social gatherings as a method for attempting to fit into those gatherings. This factor has been accused on other negative practices, for example, liquor and medication misuse, sex, among others and group participation can't be barred from this rundown. As indicated by (2010), â€Å"young individuals are entirely defenseless to peer pressure.† One purpose behind this is youngsters consistently need to relate to companions and with regards to picking among fellowship and inner voice, a large portion of them will pick kinship regardless of whether it implies that they would need to endure and include themselves in crimes. In the US, pack participation is exceptionally pervasive in schools and regardless of whether a kid or iginates from a family that is against posse enrollment and exercises, the person may wind up joining the groups so as not to be dismissed or bothered by their friends ( 2010). Neediness is accused for various monstrosities and posse conduct is one of such. Everybody needs to have an agreeable existence, to drive lovely vehicles, drink excellent lager or wine, to live in an extravagant home among others. Though it is hard for a typical regular citizen, particularly from poor neighborhoods, to get these things, it is exceptionally

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Intelligence as the Most Debated Topic in Psychology - 1100 Words

Intelligence as the Most Debated Topic in Psychology (Essay Sample) Content: NameInstructorSubjectDateIntelligenceIntelligence is arguably the most debated topic in psychology. However, there is no standard definition of what it constitutes. It includes the ability to learn, recognize, and solve problems. Multiple intelligences and general intelligence are some of the common theories used to explain intelligence. General intelligence or the g factor is the existence of extensive mental capacity that impacts the performance of cognitive ability tests. The theory was developed by Charles Spearman and proposes that the g factor influences the overall performance of mental ability measures. The proponents of Spearmans view believe an IQ score can be used to measure and express intelligence.Conversely, multiple intelligences theory was developed by Howard Gardner and holds that people perceive and understand the world in eight intelligences. Gardners theory discredited statistical tests of human intelligence. The theory described eight intelligence s based on abilities and skills valued in diverse cultures. Gardners list included naturalistic, musical, visual, logical, verbal, bodily, intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences (Flynn 21). There are notable similarities and differences between Spearmans and Gardners theory of intelligence. General intelligence theory highlights the biological reasons of intelligence whereas Gardners theory focuses on social situations. Both theories have an elaborate explanation for intelligence. However, its hard to confirm the hypotheses of multiple intelligences theory. Further, Spearmans theory depends on psychometric evaluations whereas Gardners theory encompasses all people.I agree with the multiple theory of intelligence as it expands the definition of intelligence. Although the theory lists eight intelligences, it remains open there might be other kinds of intelligences. Flynn (33) mentions that Gardners theory speculates the ability to contemplate big questions about the meaning of life. Indeed, just as the theory explains, people might excel in one of the eight areas but fail to show remarkable abilities in the rest. Further, I agree with the multiple intelligence theory because it relates intelligence with the capacity to solve problems and create valuable outcomes in the society. More importantly, historical eras and diverse cultures have different values on the eight intelligences. Intelligence has a biological base that can be realized as a result of the motivational, experiential and cultural factors affecting an individual.Moreover, I agree with multiple intelligence theory because it does not disregard the existence of general ability but questions its usefulness in explaining human achievements. Additionally, its perspectives expand teachers thinking about teaching avenues and abilities. The theory also includes the cultivation of desired capabilities and approaches concepts and issues in a variety of ways. Also, I agree with Garners theory because ev ery person is intelligent in his/her own way. Also, everyone has a special talent or intelligence that makes him/her special and unique. The theory also has enlightened people on the drawbacks of IQ tests, including other similar assessments. Just as Gardner holds, allowing people to explain materials in their own understanding using different intelligences is indeed the best approach to assessment.Standardized tests require test takers to take assessments that will be analyzed and scored consistently. The results of each test taker are later compared to the rest of the class to determine how each performed. These tests are different from teacher-made assessments because they vary in different lessons. They provide an overview of what learners should know in each grade level. Therefore, these tests hold teachers more accountable for what their students should be knowing and gives an ideal achievement of students achievement and teacher effectiveness. The tests are reliable in determ ining student performance.Standardized tests are accompanied by instructional frameworks which dictate what and when something should be taught. Such guidance creates an educational balance, especially when relocating from one school to another. Thus, it facilitates accurate comparison between different states. What is more, standardized tests are useful because they are objective. Experts develop the tests, and every question is well established to remove biases. Standardized tests are non-discriminatory and inclusive as they ensure similar content among learners (Kendra n.d). They are also good because they focus on essential skills and content and eliminates time wasting endeavors that never produce learning rewards or motivate success. Lastly, they provide ideal comparisons between sub-groups, which presents data to create services and programs directed at enhancing scores in the sub-groups.They are many instances of cultural biases today; however, many people do not recognize t hem. Some people do not even understand cultural bias in standardized testing. Cultural bias involves judging and interpreting phenomenon by standards identified with a particular culture. Over time, cultural bias has had an adverse impact on the outcomes of standardized tests. Culturally biased tests may determine someones future because they can hold them back and hinder them from achieving their set objectives. Standardized tests are unfair to students from diverse races, culture, and ethnicity. Therefore, t...

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Jane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte - 1268 Words

Jane experiences issues in each of the settings she resides in. In Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s novel, Jane Eyre, the Reed family abuses Jane at Gateshead. Similarly, Mr. Brocklehurst harms and strips Jane of her self confidence at Lowood, the institution he manages. After her time at Lowood, Rochester betrays Jane in his home, Thornfield Hall. In order to rid herself of that hurtful emotion, Jane escapes to the Moor house. However, at her supposed sanctuary, St. John, one of the members of the household, takes Jane’s power away. Jane drifts through multiple settings in the plot as a way to cope with the insecurities instilled in her. The Reed family violates Jane mentally in their home, Gateshead. John Reed instigates a quarrel that escalates†¦show more content†¦Mr. Brocklehurst, however, attempts to strip Jane of her identity at Lowood, her following destination. When Brocklehurst visits Lowood, he punishes Jane for dropping a slate. He publicly humiliates Jane by forcing her to stand on a stool for everyone to look at her. Jane, who becomes more marginalized, experiences the pain Brocklehurst causes her: she says, â€Å"I felt their eyes directed like burning-glasses against my scorched skin† (66). The mental pain from the punishment helps to soften any of Jane’s confidence. As a result, she becomes unsure of her self-worth. Jane begins to fall prey to the ideals of Lowood because she thinks of herself as inferior to individuals at the institution. The sense of even having an unsatisfactory disposition introduces breeding ground for Jane to lose herself in terms identity in order to improve herself. Jane’s change allows her to be in the uniformed, majority group, which helps her escape the setting of Brocklehurst’s wrath. Though Mr. Brocklehurst leaves the Lowood institution, Jane continues to feel the urge to leave the premises once the sense of a home is gone. Miss Temple helps manage the institution after Brocklehurst for many years. However, she eventually marries and leaves Lowood. Miss Temple’s absence, however, inadvertently makes Jane restless. To the audience, Jane conveys, â€Å" was not the power to be tranquil which had failed, but the reason for

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Code Of Ethics And Values - 902 Words

As a social work undergraduate, we have several queries regarding why it is so important to follow the NASW code of Ethics and values that relate to human diversity, with regard for the worth and dignity of all persons, as applied to a specific case where we are delivering social work. It is very essential to recognize the five core values of social work, service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, and integrity and competence on our occupation of social work. Today, we have chosen two areas and situations of how we are going to deal with our biases and our challenges while working as social workers, by employing the NASW code of Ethics and values that relate to human diversity, with regard for the worth and dignity of all persons. To begin with, as a person, I always feel it is very challenging for me to go out and work with different groups of people who speak different languages, who practice different religions, whose beliefs and ideology are different from mine. It is my biggest fear that I may be unable to fit in with a group, and not be liked by them, because they are different from me. On the other hand, it’s also exciting that I am learning and getting exposed to these new cultures, and these new people, and these new languages, which helps me to grow and be the person I want to be in my life. To be specific, I might have complications working with people of color, particularly black/African-American. This has to doShow MoreRelatedThe Code Of Ethics And Values1086 Words   |  5 Pages Each individual has a code of ethics which helps to establish morals. Morals play an important part when it comes to determining what is right and wrong. You should also have core values. I think the most important value to have is integrity. Integrity means to be honest in everything you do and to have high morals. I will be honest, sincere, and reliable. Another important value to have is to be caring. Each and every day, I will be considerate and help those that need it. Being caring means havingRead MoreValues And Code Of Ethics1222 Words   |  5 Pagesher own set of values. A personal code of ethics by which feels he or she should abide throughout life. When one decides to enter the field of social work for their profession, there is a new list of values and code of ethics he or sh e must adopt. These are guidelines set by the National Association of Social Workers in the NASW Code of Ethics. Considering each person is different and therefore has different values he or she feels are important, each individual’s personal values could be congruentRead MoreEthics The Code Of Values And Moral Principles2156 Words   |  9 PagesWhat is ethics? Ethics a philosophical term originating from Greek word â€Å"ethos† meaning custom or character. It is concerned with describing and prescribing moral requirements and behaviors, which suggests that there are acceptable and unacceptable ways of behaving that serve as a function of philosophical principles (Minkes, Small, Chatterjee, 1999). Ethical behavior is defined as behavior which is morally accepted as â€Å"good† and â€Å"right† as opposed to â€Å"bad† or â€Å"wrong† in a given situation (SimsRead MoreCode Of Ethics : Nursing Values And Ethical Responsibilities1602 Wo rds   |  7 PagesI. CODE OF ETHICS IN NURSING There are seven primary fundamental values in the code of ethics for registered Nurses These values are entitled as â€Å"Nursing values and Ethical Responsibilities.† (Centennial Edition, 2008) ï  ¶ Nursing Values and Ethical Responsibilities 1) Providing Care Nurses should be able to provide safe, skilled and proficient, solicitous care to the patients. The relation between the nurse and the patient. 2) Promoting Health and Well-Being Nurses should be enable to work withRead MorePersonal Code Of Ethics And System Of Moral Values1063 Words   |  5 Pagesshowing him how it is to be a leader. Integrity is expected of all health professionals in the work place. A leader demonstrates integrity by being consistently truthful, honest, and reliable. A nurse leader adheres to both a personal code of ethics and system of moral values. A leader has a positive attitude that helps to motivate others to join in the purpose. Leaders have initiative and take the first step to make it happen. Leaders have lots of energy and enthusiasm which enables them to get thingsRead MoreThe New Zealand Counselling : Code Of Ethics And Their Core Values1643 Words   |  7 PagesEthics Essay Counselling This essay will outline and discuss four ethical principles included in the New Zealand Counselling: Code of Ethics (NZAC), and their core values. Two ethical dilemmas will also be applied to a case study. Finally, the essay will address three avenues of complaint the client could possibly pursue. For the objective of this essay I will be working as a counsellor for the Blakely family. Specifically, I am assisting Darren, 40 (father) and his child Ciaran, 13 with theirRead MoreNursing Code Of Ethics, Personal And Societal Values, And The Legal Aspects Of The Nursing1251 Words   |  6 Pagesindividuals (Haugh Mildon, 2005). In this research paper, I will consider two case studies from the perspective of the nursing code of ethics, personal and societal values, and the legal aspects and responsibilities of the nurse. The Nursing Code of Ethics According to the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements (2015), the code â€Å"establishes the ethical standard for the profession and provides a guide for nurses to use in ethical analysis and decision-making†Read MoreCode of ethics serves as the moral compass that directs and guides the integrity, values, and1500 Words   |  6 PagesCode of ethics serves as the moral compass that directs and guides the integrity, values, and beliefs of an organization. A code of ethics clarifies to employees what the company stands for and its expectations for employee conduct (Daft, 2013). A well-written code is a true commitment to responsible business practices in that it outlines specific procedures to handle ethical failures. Within the research enterprise, the code of ethics ensures that research projects involving human subjects areRead MoreProfessional Ethics and Values1020 Words   |  5 PagesRunning head: PROFESSIONAL VALUES AND ETHICS Professional Values and Ethics University of Phoenix Professional Values and Ethics What is the difference between values and ethics? Values are rules by which people make decisions about what is right versus wrong; good versus bad and what one should or should not do. The definition of values according to is â€Å"the ideals, customs, institutions, etc., of a societyRead MoreCode of Ethics for Computer Professionals1134 Words   |  4 PagesMost professions have codes of ethics and for the same reasons computer professionals need a code of ethics. Professions that have been in existence for many more years than the information profession have had time to recognise their ethical responsibilities. In the information field it can be more difficult to immediately recognise who is affected by the actions of an individual or organisation. This does not mean that information professionals have no moral responsibilities. It is common across

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Leeches free essay sample

This paper looks at the use of leeches in the field of medicine. This paper investigates the many different roles that leeches can play in the medical field. Some of the topics covered include the history of their use, their role in assisting blood clotting and surgery and their use in helping to stem blood loss during surgery to repair a lost of damaged limb. The author uses several different studies and case histories to illustrate his thesis. The Hirudo Medicinalis leech has demonstrated exceptional usefulness to medicine and health care, particularly in the plastic and reconstructive surgery fields, where torn tissues require time for delicate repair procedures (Concannon), but which is prevented by normal blood clotting. An adult leech placed on the clot will devour it up to five times its body within half an hour. When it has sucked enough, it falls off and fresh blood oozes out of the bite wound for as long as 10 hours (Did You Know?), long enough to allow the surgeon to perform procedures that will save that body part. We will write a custom essay sample on Leeches or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The leeches hirudin inhibits blood clotting while the parasites suck and likewise renders the sucked part insensitive by its anesthetic properties. An adult leech can also take in up to 15 ml of blood, which is 10 times its average body weight (Biophram). It can also survive for a full year without needing additional feeding or sucking.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Shoeless Joe Essay Example

Shoeless Joe Paper Shoeless Joe by W. P. Kinsella Section A: The novel, Shoeless Joe, by W. P. Kinsella is set on Ray Kinsellas farm, in Iowa City, during the 1970s. During the 1970s, the ownership of farms was quickly decreasing because larger companies started to buy them off the small owners. The Kinsella farm had acquired great value and even though Rays brother-in-law Mark pushed him to sell it, he would always turn down the offer or suggestion. Ray had heard a voice say to him If you build l, he will come. He knew that from this repeated phrase he must build it. It was in fact eventually built, the baseball field later became a huge success. Section B: Ray Kinsella is a small, yet very productive farm located in Iowa. Ray holds a strong love for four things in his life. Iowa being one of them, yet his wife, Annie, is the greatest along with the love of his daughter Karin. Baseball also holds a large place in his heart. Ray is a man to act upon his instincts along with his dreams. He heard a voice so he did as the voice told him. Even though Ray Kinsella is one to act upon instincts, he does not have his priorities straight and in order. We will write a custom essay sample on Shoeless Joe specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Shoeless Joe specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Shoeless Joe specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The Kinsella family was falling drastically behind on their mortgage payments. However, that did not seem to phase Ray too much. He was more worried about building the baseball field. His entire savings were used up to build the baseball field. That also, did not seem to bother him. Ray was born in the same month of his father. They both shared a strong love for the game of baseball and the players in it. His wife, Annie Kinsella, always supported him and Never once called him crazy. (Shoeless Joe page 5). Annie Kinsella is Rays very supportive wife. Her hair is the color of cayenne pepper and is covered in freckles. She is 24 years old and could easily pass for a 16 year old girl. Annie is one to speak her mind when she fears of Rays ideas. She was orn and raised in the state of Iowa and after her a Ray were married she had talked him into renting the farm after the first year of their marriage. She is an intelligent woman, and definitely makes that known. However, Annie does not know when to limit Ray to what he can do. They do not have much money and she allowed him to take what he needed without really worrying about the mortgage. Karin is a Jumpy girl. She is the daughter of Ray and Annie Kinsella. She is young, full of life, is very much so a daddys girl and also shares a deep love for baseball. Karin loved to climb in Rays lap and watch the baseball game on T. V. He always spoke of this magic in Karin. As soon as Karin knew there would be a game on the Kinsella field, she would attend it with a hot dog and soda. Jerry Salinger was a very talented and successful author. However, because of how successful he was, privacy was out of the question. He moved away to get away from the fame and to live in peace the way he first intended. Salinger wrote the very controversial book Catcher in the Rye, he stopped publishing other books after this one was published. Jerry gave things up too easily. It was probably his biggest downfall. As soon as he became too influential nd famous he gave it up. He gave up writing because it became too much of a nuisance to him. Joseph Jefferson (Shoeless Joe) Jackson was the left fielder for the Black Sox. He was banned trom player MLB atter the Black Sox scandal in 1919. It was said t and seven other teammates threw away the World Series. It is still one of the most controversial topics in baseball. He is a tall man. He is a very talented baseball player and in April of 1945 Ty Cobb named him the best left fielder of all time. A famous sports Journalist named his glove as a place where triple go to die (Shoeless Joe page 6). He is quiet and inspirational. And also takes part in a strong love for baseball. Section C: The plot of the story was a continuous roller coaster. It began describing the childhood of Ray Kinsella with his father who was born in Glen Ullin, North Dakota April 14, 1896. The story carries on describing some of Rays life before he heard the voice. Then one day while out in his corn field, he heard a voice say to him If you build it, he will come. After Kinsella had heard this voice he was confused. Many things were running through his head like, Where is this coming from, build what, who will come? After discussing this over with Annie he began the onstruction of the baseball diamond. The story becomes a bit more interesting after Ray leaves Iowa to find Jerry Salinger. Ray points out to Jerry that in one of his books, the name Ray Kinsella. After they had attended baseball games together and got to know each other, they came across Archie (Moonlight) Graham, who played for the New York Giants in 1922, hitch hiking while on their way driving back to Iowa. The climax of the story is when Ray gets to show his prized possession, his ball park, to Jerry and Moonlight. The falling action begins when Mark and Bluestein, Marks colleague, come to the Kinsella farm in the middle of a baseball game. Mark and Bluestein can not see the game happening. Only Ray, Karin and Annie are able to see the games. They came to the field with papers from the bank informing him that he has three days to catch up on the mortgage payments before they are forced to foreclose the farm. During the heated argument, Karin Kinsella takes a fall and lodges a piece of hotdog into her throat. Moonlight Graham gives up the opportunity to play baseball to save the little girls life. Towards the end, Eddie admits to lying about being the oldest Chicago Cub still alive. He then passes away in his sleep. The story comes to a close when Shoeless Joe Jackson asks Jerry Salinger to come play baseball with him. Even though Ray was not asked to Join him, he does learn a lesson. The lesson is that everything happens for a reason, whether you know it or not, and to never give up on your dreams no matter how bizarre they are. Section D: A theme is a reoccurring event that implies the same thing over and over again. The most prominent theme was baseball. Not Just the game, but the knowledge, the players, the importance, and the atmosphere. The entire novel was based on baseball. However, the book had a more important meaning than baseball and was understood throughout the reading of the book. It taught you to never be afraid of your dreams, but to pursue them. No matter how small and delicate they may be or gigantic and bizarre they may be, never be afraid of them. Its your dream for a reason and it will teach you something and shape you as a person. Ray Kinsella loved baseball, Iowa and most importantly, his family. So when this voice told him to build it, he immediately knew what to do. Things like that do not happen quickly. They take time, love, dedication and persistence. The lesson also teaches the readers o live your life to its fullest with your heart and mind wide open for opportunity. For instance, Ray Kinsella loved baseball and Iowa, that when ne heard the voice, he thought of it as an opportunity to bring the two together. The concept of faith is also a reoccurring aspect in this story. A prime example would be Annie. She always believed in her husband Ray, no matter how bizarre his ideas and comments were. She never gave up hope. Maybe she was close a few times, but she never doubted him. Even though they had to live through some tough times, she never gave up hope and their dreams because she was afraid. She believed and had faith that everything would work out. And what do you know, they did! Section E: A conflict is part of a story that has cause and effect. Something with cause something to go wrong and there will be an outcome, known as the effect. Ray and Annies mother had a noticeable conflict, along with Ray and Annies brother Mark. They are very clear throughout the story and understandable. One that may not be so known and unnoticeable is the inner conflict of Jerry with himself. It seems that Jerry is upset with himself and unhappy that because he was tired of the fame nd constant attention, he gave up publishing, Just to go into hiding. He probably regrets that because there could have been so many more opportunities for him. But he passes up the chance for privacy. Another internal conflict exists, and that conflict is between Eddie Scissons and himself. Ever since he decided to tell Ray Kinsella, it was evident that he wanted some sort of attention. When he made the decision to inform Ray of that, he convinced himself of the lie too. Eddie Scissons wanted to be known for that, and he made that happen. Section F: While I was reading the novel, Shoeless Joe, I stumbled across a few ntries that caught me attention. The first was on pages six and seven. The passage talks about Ray and his fathers love for baseball. Something I share with my dad. He shares his knowledge of baseball with his dad and his dad shares his knowledge back. I can relate to this, so I enjoyed reading something similar to my situation. This passage taught me a generous amount of information. Even though Ray did not have that close of a relationship with his father, it was something they both loved and could talk about together. The second passage I chose was on page 260. In this part f the book, Shoeless Joe Jackson and Happy Felsch asked Jerry Salinger to go out with them after the game. This was not expected throughout the book. I felt sympathy for Ray because he was not asked, after all that hard work and I was disappointed the book ended where it did because I was curious as to what would happen after the right field gate would be close. Section G: As I was reading I would come across words I didnt know. Here are some of them: Languidly drooping or flagging from or as if from exhaustion Tableau a graphic description or representation Eulogizing to speak or write in high praise of Supplanted to supersede (another) especially by force or treachery Sutures the act or process of sewing; uniting two parts Laconically using a few words Anachronisms something or someone that is not in its correct historical or chronological time Goll- hand, paw, claw Spade- a tool tor digging Section H: I had a personal connection to the novel, well, at least to the beginning of the novel. I also share a love of baseball with my dad. We inform each other of news in the MLB world, go to games all the time together, and Just enjoy baseball itself. I did not find any relation from this book to the world or news today. Section l: If I had the chance to ask the author some questions, they would be: 1 . Are you big on baseball? 2. What inspired you to write a book like this? 3. Did you have a similar personal experience? 4. Would you ever write a sequel to the book? My overall rating of the novel Shoeless Joe is an eight. The book contained some areas that were slow reading and took some patience to get through. It was a fictional story full of many interesting facts I never knew. I would most definetley recommend this book to someone who has a love for baseball, and sports in general. I think it is an easy read and a very enjoyable book.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Trial by Media Essays

Trial by Media Essays Trial by Media Essay Trial by Media Essay Trial by Media The justification system is quickly being scorched in America by how the media manages all lurid cases. People are getting prejudged by the press and public before any legal action has taken place. I believe it is completely amiss for the media to interpret whether a person is guilty or innocent, before or even after a verdict has been established in a court of law. Take O. J. Simpsons case for instance. Simpson was accused of murdering his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson. This case is known to be the most exposed trial in American history. Nicole was found dead at 12:00 AM on June 13, 1994 outside of Browns condo in the Brentwood[-0],Los Angeles. She was found stabbed several times in the head and neck with defense injuries on her hands. With some collected evidence at the scene, police suspected O. J. Simpson as the murderer. There was no CONFIRMATION Simpson was the murderer, yet the media thoughtlessly covered the case thoughtlessly like hot cakes. The was an abundant amount of media participation on the case that it drove Simpson half crazy. At one point, he had over 20 helicopters chasing him because he was on the road to committing suicide. He responded to this action by saying. just gonna go with Nicole. Bearing in mind the amount of harass he got from the media, one wouldn’t blame him! Even after this attempt, the media still had something conniving to say. â€Å"his actions were interpreted as an admission of guilt. † Disregarding Simpson was found non-guilty, the media are considered winners in spite of what the majority of the public distinguish him as today. It was a two and a half year-long case that took place about seventeen years ago. The media created biased views in the eyes of the public which gave the defendant really no chance to a fair trial. I believe this is not right at all. Without a doubt, trial by media conflicts with the judicial system and ruins the image of one’s life. Victorian MP, Theo Theophanous, was accused of raping a woman. One article stated, â€Å"He is accused of raping a woman inside Victoria’s Parliament building one evening in 1998, and has stepped down as minister for industry and trade Theophanous is robustly protesting his innocence †¦He is portraying himself as the victim of a smear campaign, and has suggested his accuser is after money. † Numerous articles were spread and harsh comments were made by the public before he even got the chance to step foot in court. Where is the justification in this? After the lengthy process of having Mr. Theophanous’s name cleared in any wrong doing, he’ll still be criticized by the public, even if he was proven innocent. Because of the harsh media, he lost his career and reputation- professionally and privately. Trial of media affects the lives of many in a way that is pure unimaginable. Human dignity is practically taken away. Some may say, we have freedom of speech and the media has the right to say whatever they desire. Well, yes. This is in fact true. Although, I believe if the media attacks the basic freedoms of others, courts should not be indecisive to strap it in. The media should at least receive support from courts imposing legitimate assurance of freedom of speech. This is suggested to protect one’s privacy and future. The media provokes a status of public mania in which allowing a fair trial to take place is nearly impossible. Clearly through O. J. Simpson’s and Theo Theophanouss case, regardless of the result of the trials, the accused will not be able to live the rest of their life without cold public scrutiny. No matter what the indictment may be, severe or ornate, a fair trial should be given and you are innocent until proven guilty in my eyes. [-;0] http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Brentwood,_Los_Angeles,_California

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Cuban Collection Against the US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cuban Collection Against the US - Essay Example After the collapse of the communist U.S.S.R. in 1991 Cuban military capability has diminished to a great length, and the government uses Direccion General de Intelligencia (DGI) to provide security against an interference of the internal affairs of the country from the U.S. The Cuban regime knows it too well the threat they face from the United State government and have sent DGI agents to gather intelligence and prepare the regime to counter any philosophical ideas in the country social, economic and political structures. This was evidenced by the arrest of the Cuban Five in 1998 in the U.S, Ana Montes in 2001 and Gwendolyn & Walter in 20093. This demonstrates how the Cuban prioritize on spying on the U.S government even with the defeat of communism. According to the House Committee on foreign relations, Cuba posed a threat to American citizen. Ms. Ros Lehtinen argued that the Castro regime threatened the U.S. national security interest with its state sponsored terrorism operation just 9 miles away from American shores4. The committee members also discusses the Cuban espionage operation by the Wasp network in the country’s military installations. Moreover, the Cuban regime has had used its spy agent to attack the U.S cyber system. The tension between Cuba and the United State is so severe that many CIA agent have died while in Latin America as a result of their counterpart in the U.S colluding to provide classified information to the Cuban regime. The Cuban regime has also used its doctors to spy on its behalf when they are shipped all over the world5. Fidel Castrol has been a stabling block of U.S President that have assumed office since he seized power in 19596. The U.S tried to remove Castrol from power in the early 1960 through spying and other scheme, but it failed in all its operations. For this reason, the DGI and foreign contracted CIA agent

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Complaint letter Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Complaint letter - Research Paper Example The lines have gotten to the point where I will enter the store to make use of one of the side services, such as the money order counter, and leave to purchase my groceries and other items at a different store. I keep returning, hoping that the situation will have been resolved, but it has not. It is not unusual to see lines running from the register area completely across the main aisle, and then sometimes blocking large areas of the apparel department. When purchasing cold groceries and shopping with a small child, it is just not feasible to have even the possibility of waiting in line for twenty to thirty minutes or more before checking out. I would like to see your store hiring more dedicated cashiers, employees whose purpose is only to keep the lines moving. In this way, the cleanliness and orderliness of the store is not neglected, but the lines are reduced to a more manageable level. I do not mind waiting in a line, but this situation is significantly outside an acceptable wait

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Philosophy Essay Example for Free

Philosophy Essay The existence of God is viewed in two debatable perspectives – either the Divine Almighty exists or He does not. It is almost impossible to dwell on revealing the right answer to resolve this matter as one is dealing with an abstract matter that goes beyond reason and the physical or concrete aspect of life and the universe. The first argument questions the existence of God because there is no tangible sign in reality that reveals that He does exist. The opposite argument argues that God exists because of the impossibility of the presence of a Divine Being despite his non-existence in physical terms. This is supported by the virtue of faith and the belief that a greater power must be responsible for the existence of man and life. Perhaps asking about the existence of God is one of the most glorified questions that have not been answered since the beginning of time. This may not only be because of the fact that he does not encompass a physical entity, but also because God as an entity is beyond reason that people cannot even start to define who or what He is, what He is capable of doing, and such. In order to present an argument regarding this matter, it is important to discuss points which will prove or rather rationalize God’s existence. God exists, but He will only dynamically exist if one believes in His true existence. Rationalizing the existence of God is similar to proving the existence of love. Love is an abstract feeling or emotion, like God Himself is a nonrepresentational entity which does not exist in physical terms. Love is the same. It is an abstract feeling or emotion which cannot be represented in tangible terms, however, people know what it is, if not believe in it. Love exists because people believe in it. Love is felt and expressed, defining its meaning and significance, and framing it as a valid term or feeling because people can feel it allowing them to know it does exist. On the other hand, people who do not believe in love do not also believe it exists. I think this argument goes the same with the inquiry of the existence of God. God is a term or a word which represents a Divine Entity, while love is also a term or a word which represents an abstract feeling or emotion. However, their existence in reality is only confined in terms or words not unless people would believe they do exist and act upon their existence. Therefore, God does not exist for people who do not have faith in His existence, who do not give meaning to who He is as the creator of man and the universe. Think about love and why people believe it exists. This is because people choose to believe in what they feel, although unexplainable and intangible. Love is expressed in so many ways, from touching, caring, helping, doing good and kind acts, etc. Since love is expressed, then it is felt consequentially; and since it is felt, then people believe it does exist. In terms of the existence of God, people can justify His existence then by acting on their faith. This means worshipping him, praying to him, spreading His word, practicing or applying His commandments, and living in His righteousness. God becomes present in an individual’s life if he chooses to abide by Him and believe in what He has to offer for mankind. This means that although God exists by definition, He will continually exist in reality – that is in the lives of man and in everything they do – if people believe that He plays an important role in their lives and that He commands or directs man into living in the kind of life that He wants for His people. The existence of God then is justified by faith. Moreover, God exists within the things that represent who He is as a Diety – and that is in goodness, in love, in hope, respect, trust, and graciousness. God’s existence perhaps is the most difficult matter to argue given the diverse answers of people to this inquiry. However, one possible rationalization is faith in Him and all the things that people experience that is representative of God. That is man’s faith in God brings Him beyond the term or word labeled to Him, and that the faith of man leads Him to act on it by doing things to acknowledge His existence.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Comparison of Linguistic Differences in the Film and Novel of A Clockw

Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange - Linguistic Differences in the Film and Novel A Clockwork Orange, written by Anthony Burgess, is experienced differently as a novel than it is as the movie directed by Stanley Kubrick. The heart of the difference between the two forms is expressed by Bakhtin: "The potential for [‘double-voiced discourse’ between the author and narrator] is one of the most fundamental privileges of novelistic prose, a privilege available neither to dramatic nor to purely poetic genres" (Bakhtin, 320).1 An entire dimension of the novel’s story is lost in the movie when Alex’s role is reduced from narrator to commentator. The ability of Burgess to speak indirectly to the audience through Alex is removed, and the perspective on the Clockwork world revealed through Nadsat, the language Alex speaks, is lost. However, this does not mean that the movie is less effective than, or an inferior medium to the novel. The main drive of the story remains in the movie form: Kubrick utilizes the means, such as a musical score and th e visual dimension, unique to the dramatic genre to find ways around the loss of Nadsat and first person narration. He also tries to maintain the twisted sense of humor found in the book while working to promote the audience’s understanding of Alex’s universe. Kubrick preserves the unusual opportunity A Clockwork Orange offers the audience—a chance to immerse itself in Alex’s character and actions, and have its "nastier propensities titillated" (Burgess ix)2 by Alex’s "ultra-violence", instead of being frightened away. In the novel, Burgess is able to speak indirectly through Alex’s narration, telling the reader about the novel’s political setting as well as revealing Alex’s (and perha... ... Nadsat, is lost. And with the loss of a large and comprehensive language such as Nadsat, goes part of Burgess’ voice. However, Kubrick does an excellent job of retaining the novel’s spirit and structure, even while offering his own interpretation. He takes advantage of the visual and auditory possibilities that the film medium presents to fill in the gap created by the removal of Nadsat, resulting in an accessible and satisfying movie. In both forms, A Clockwork Orange draws its audience into sympathizing with Alex and ultimately enjoying themselves as they "rape and rip by proxy" (Burgess ix). Works Cited 1. M.M. Bakhtin, The Dialogic Imagination (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1981). 2. Anthony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange (NewYork: W.W. Norton & Company, 1986). 3. A Clockwork Orange, prod. and dir. Stanley Kubrick, 137 min., Warner Bros., 1971.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


RADISSON BLU LIMFJORD HOTEL AALBORG ? INTRODUCTION ? PORTER'S FIVE FORCES Radisson Blu Limfjord Hotel Aalborg is a luxurious 4-star property conveniently located near the centre of Alborg. Radisson Blu Limfjord Hotel Aalborg is a business-friendly hotel within walking distance of Jomfru Ane Gade, Osteragade, and Gammeltorv. Additional points of interest include Aalborg Congress and Culture Center and Jens Bangs Stenhus. PORTER'S FIVE FORCES Values Values include the things that the firm gives high priority. This can either be the firm’s service, relationship with the environment or the attainment of goals.The company’s values service to clients and relationship with the environment. The company wants to make sure that proper service is given to clients and they maintain a good relationship with the clients. The company is doing well in showing how they value the clients and the environment. Hotel Rooms Hotel customers are offered the following room facilities: fax machi ne, direct-dial phone, in-room safe, coffee/tea maker and climate control. Rooms are equipped with iron/ironing board as well as trouser press. In addition there is minibar in the rooms. Beds: Rooms are also equipped with extra towels/bedding items.Hypoallergenic bedding is also available. Guests of the hotel may request a crib/cot (infant beds). Bathroom amenities include complimentary toiletries and hair dryer. Entertainment: The in-room entertainment facilities at this welcoming hotel include cable television service and pay movies. Internet connection options: Guests are sure to appreciate television Internet access (complimentary) and high-speed Internet access. An additional charge is applied for Internet access. Housekeeping services and complimentary newspapers are also offered. Environmental scanning OpportunitiesAn opportunity for The Radisson Blu Limfjord Hotel Aalborg is to find out more ways to give a distinctive look and features to the hotel. By doing this the company will have competitive advantage over other firms. This will help the company have unique identity in its various markets among their competitors. An opportunity for the company is to improve the features of the leisure amenities they currently have. By doing this it can attract more markets and it will help them attract tourists that will come to the country they operate in. Hotel Amenities Food options at Radisson Blu Limfjord Hotel Aalborg include a restaurant.A complimentary breakfast is served daily. Room service is also available. Our hotel provides a 24-hour front desk service. ATM/banking and currency exchange facilities are also offered. Public areas of Radisson Blu Limfjord Hotel Aalborg are air-conditioned. Leisure amenities: Guests can also enjoy the following spa/wellness facilities: sauna. Other available services: tours/ticket assistance, television in lobby, safe-deposit box – front desk, roll-in shower, on-site car rental, laundry facilities, express check-ou t, elevator/lift, dry cleaning/laundry service, concierge desk, complimentary newspapers in lobby.Business & Internet: Guests at Radisson Blu Limfjord Hotel Aalborg can use a well-equipped business centre and meeting room(s). Radisson Blu Limfjord Hotel Aalborg Internet options: wireless access; dial-up access in public areas; high-speed connection in public areas; access in public areas is available for an additional fee. Threats The main threat to the Radisson Blu Limfjord Hotel Aalborg is the competitors. The competitors like BEST WESTERN Hotel Scheelsminde and Hotel Hvide Hus try various tactics to make it difficult for Radisson Blu Limfjord Hotel to maintain its standing in its various markets.The threat to the company includes the laws in the country they operate in. Another threat to the company is the tariffs and taxes that the company has in its various market, each countries has its own rate of taxes and tariff that creates additional expenses for the company. Lastly a thr eat to the company is the culture of some clients in the market. Resources Resources The Radisson Blu Limfjord Hotel’s resources come from reliable suppliers and manufacturers. The materials used in the hotel are made of the best kind of raw materials and come from reliable suppliers.Another resource for the company is its personnel that provide the best kind of service to guests and clients. The personnel make sure that clients receive the satisfaction they need. Human In providing excellent service to the clients, a company needs to have a dedicated staff that performs well and knows that the service they give to the client can help The Radisson Blu Limfjord Hotel have a positive or negative image. The staff of the company is well trained to ensure that the best service can be given to the clients. The company makes sure that it hires promising individuals that can assist in the company’s task of reaching their goals.It makes sure that the personnel have a distinct s kill that matches the company’s goal. Skill The Radisson Blu Limfjord Hotel’s capabilities include its use of sophisticated technologies to provide the best kind of services. The Radisson Blu Limfjord Hotel has a set of production regulations that makes sure that every stage in the company’s operations will minimize any waste on time and effort. The Radisson Blu Limfjord Hotel has made use of advanced technologies to provide services to the personnel and give them complete security. It also makes use of better security systems to rooms, hallways and other vital places.The Radisson Blu Limfjord Hotel makes sure they are updated to what is happening and they can adjust to these changes. Capabilities The main capabilities of the company are on the well trained personnel. The personnel serves as the arm of the firm and they show how the company meant by total customer satisfaction. The personnel of The Radisson Blu Limfjord Hotel are well skilled in assisting the cl ients and giving them excellent service. The company makes sure that they hire individuals who are skilled in management, human relations, fine dining and other qualities that a member of a hotel business needs.Radisson Blu Limfjord Hotel also looks for various activities, seminars, and symposium that will help the personnel improve their skill. Competencies Distinct Competencies The company makes sure that the employees are paid accordingly but the personnel are expected to provide a good kind of service. The company makes sure that clients receive a good service based on the money paid by the clients. The company also makes sure that the personnel are compensated well. The company’s distinct competency is embedded on its efficiency of service. The company also makes sure that the best lodging and assistance will be given to the clients.Developing operation strategy Competitive priorities The priorities for the operation plan are the cost of the strategy, the personnel that will be involved, the time that will be used and the effect of the strategy. The cost of the strategy should not be too high; it should be reasonable enough and should be worth it. The personnel that will be involved should be properly briefed before they take part in the endeavor. The personnel that will be involved should know why they are chosen to take part in the training and what is expected of them.The time that will be used should be limited to days that the personnel are off. It should not hamper the delivery of service. The whole process of training should not exceed one year from the start of the endeavor. The strategy should make sure that it will have imminent effects to the personnel. The result of the strategy should be evident in the way the personnel will serve the clients. Supporting production requirements The structure requirement includes the use of the various facilities where the training process will take place.The various facilities would be the rooms in the hotel that have no immediate schedule and would be available for the firm to conduct trainings and seminars. Another structure requirement would be the different instructors who will facilitate the training/seminar. The instructors would be experienced in their field. The infrastructure requirement includes the quality measures that will focus on making sure that the whole endeavor would result to a positive thing for the company. Process flowchart The first thing that happens is the Hotel receives inquires from the clients.The inquiry can be in the form of personal correspondence, by phone or by email. In this part the client asks for any available room. The company then checks for the availability of a room. If there is no room available, the company informs the client about the situation and ends the transaction. If there is a room available, the company will then inform about the rooms that are available. The company will then ask the client if they would want to rent the avail able room, if they choose not to rent they will be given another room that is available.If the client chooses to stay in the room the hotel will book the client to the available room and provide the service the client needs. REFERENCES: Aharoni, Y. & Nachum, L. Globalization of services: Some implications for theory and practice. London: Eds. ; Routledge, 2000. Brewster, C. , Harris, H. & Sparrow. Human Resource Management . New York, 2004. Burke, R. J. & Cooper, C. L. Reinventing Human Resources Management: Challenges and new directions. New York, 2004. http://radisson-limfjord-alborg. h-rez. com/index. htm? lbl=ggl-en&gclid=COLQ0ci8zLYCFbMQtAod8FUA-Q

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Differences Between Italy And England - 883 Words

Although Italy and England are definitely two different countries, they share some similarities such as some geographical aspect, culture and customs. However, despite the differences between the two countries, both of them has its own unique history which changed how they look today. Both part of the EU, Italy and England are an example of how culture evolves and changes the shape of a country under every aspect. In fact, both England and Italy have been influenced by each other in the last 30 years. Geography Despite some similarities, geography is very different in the two countries. Both are bathed by the seas since England is part of an island while Italy is a peninsula connected to Europe through the Alps in the north of the country. Italy is located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea and it is the 4th most populous state in the EU due to its 61 million inhabitants. On the other hand, England shares it borders with Wales and Scotland and covers more than a half of the island of Great Britain, which lies in the North Sea. Due to the stretched shape and the great longitudinal extension, the Italian climate is highly diverse though out the whole territory. Regions on the coasts and most of the southern regions generally fits the Mediterranean climate stereotype unlike the inner and northern regions. Italy is extremely rich in biodiversity and has the one of the highest number and density of both animal and plant species within the European Union (Pignatti 2000).Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of A Room With A View By E. M. Forster1042 Words   |  5 Pages author E.M. Forster contrasts Florence, Italy and Surrey, England in an attempt to reveal the interests and desires of Lucy Honeychurch, the main character. 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